Eggs iting, Smart Chicken Coop

The Smart Chicken Coop

The Smart Chicken Coop : Eggs Iting

Put a chicken coop anywhere! Eggs-iting innovates your egg experience by offering a Smart Chicken Coop.

Where both the chicken and the egg come first.

Raising chickens with this new-gen Smart Chicken Coop gives you an eco-friendly experience that is fun and interactive.

A new Eggs-iting type of chicken coop







The tech used in our Smart Chicken Coop are concieved with respect and attention to the chickens rights.

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Dashboard Eggs iting

A playful and functional interface for breeders Eggs-iting.

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Application Eggs iting

Eggs-iting Prototype - The Smart Chicken Coop

Offer the best experience possible.

Tech eggs-itingBriques Eggs itingPrototype poulailler connecté



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Rather than excluding the consumer from the process of producing food as the industry does, we propose to be involved every step of the way!