Technology of the Smart Chicken Coop

The tech used in our Smart Chicken Coop are concieved with respect and attention to the chickens rights.


RFID rings and readers

Identify chickens with comfotable RFID rings that track the chickens movements and actions in the coop.
Know who lays a chick and when!

Cameras in the coop

After each coming and going of your chikens in the coop, the cameras will take a picture to analyze the presence of additional eggs, or not.

The water level detector

The chicken coop collects rainwater to ensure the chickens have enough water. A detector informs you when the water level is running low or if your chickens are out of water.

The solar panel

The Smart Chicken Coop produces its own energy thanks to the sun. The solar power will recharge the batteries that power the intelligent sensors in your chicken coop.

Humidity sensor

Knowing the level of humidity makes it possible to provide pertinent advice relevant to the the owener (you) and thus improve the life of the chickens.

Brightness sensor

With this detector the chicken door closes and opens automatically according to the daylight. Your chickens are safe and protected

Chicken feed sensor

On average, the chicken feed container can provide feed for a week and you can see, from your app, when it is necessary to refill it.

Temperature sensor

The temperature has an obvious impact on the welfare of your chickens, knowing more helps to make the right decisions to better their life and yours.

Connected to the Web

All data produced by the chicken coop is communicated through the useful and the playful Eggs-iting apps in a feed that details the information you need about the Smart Chicken Coop.